Tuesday 23 February 2016

:: althea officinalis ::

I think of the soft pink or white fluffy confection when I think of 'marsh mallow', but alas, there is no marsh mallow in marshmallows anymore...
...another of the very beautiful flowers that has arrived in our garden via the wildflower mix - what a brilliant way to increase biodiversity so quickly - and another perennial, too - bonus!
The ancients of Egypt, Greece and Rome all ate parts of this plant and used it to help heal. 
The name Althea comes from the Greek 'to cure' and the family name of Malvaceae is from the Greek for 'soft'/Latin 'mollis', describing the emollient, softening and healing properties of the marsh mallow. It is often used as an ingredient to help sore throats and mucous linings heal.
Beauty, tenacity and utility - what a great combination. 


  1. Ohh mash mellow your so pretty ! I have dried mash mellow but you have now made me want to have some in my garden :) xxxx

  2. so pretty - glad to be of assistance - it is a really pretty flower - some of the others coming out are paler - oooh! <3 xxx
