There was a big wobble in the night and now a crazy Southerly wind battering the house ever since the other decent jolt at 6am... I feel all weird inside today.
Kind of on alert, kind of enlivened and excited by the sheer power of nature and all at the same time, terrified, actually, that there will be a colossal shift in the plates very soon.
This sunflower gets the picture today as it has the heft to represent a dirty big shake.
It's growth habit also deserves mention: it decided to grow and thrust itself upwards directly next to the Hills Hoist washing line 'out the back'. Nature does what nature does, you see.
In doing so, it began to impinge seriously on my washing-hanging mojo - and in the end it was poking it's head right up through the clothes line - so it won - I let it grow and grow until it bloomed - that was the deal - bloom and then I'll cut you and admire you inside on the table!
And on this last day of February that is what I'm mostly doing :)