...more promise of flowers to come from these voluptuous, if petite, paperwhite or jonquil buds...
...much more green-cream than I had them imagined in my mind's eye...
...often I am overcome with an "Anne of Green Gables" sense of wonder, awe and reverence for just the small things...
...pretty easy to feel content when it's the small stuff that gives me so much pleasure...
...have to admit to 'rescuing' some of these bulbs from the, ahem, er...'red zone'...early on in our time here in Christchurch...in some streets there there are whole gardens left behind framing properties with neglected, weed-infested, rampant plantings all around the boundaries with just the eerie space where the house used to reside...
...at the time we felt it was ok to populate our almost completely bare property by carefully 'adopting' some of these plants, respectfully only taking a few and leaving most...we hope it was an ok thing to do!!!
As the plants are now establishing in our little garden, it is a true delight to anticipate and savour the beauty and goodness of them as they arrive each year, a little bigger and more robust, reproducing and getting stronger...
...and... today is the end of August...so that officially means 'goodbye Winter'...rock on Spring!