Monday 18 July 2016

:: hibiscus ::

 Today has been a settling back in kind of a day, after a fairly epic 'ride home' - from Malaysia for a family holiday with siblings, parents and nieces and nephews(11 of us in total!) - doesn't sound particularly far away, really.  But 26 hours (time zones adjusted) after leaving our fancy resort home of 8 wonderful and warm days, we walked back in the door to home and pets, all fabulously taken care of by kind friends.
Bunga Raya in Malay language, the hibiscus is Malaysia's national flower. The name translated means "celebratory flower", after the words bunga for 'flower' and raya for 'grand' or 'celebratory'. 
As well as being on the coins and notes of the country's currency it is a symbol for much in daily life.
It's bright red colour is meant to symbolise the life, the courage and the rapid growth of the Malaysian and the five petals each represent a principle of the 'Rukun Negara', a declaration of national philosophy or values. These principles were instituted royally, after serious race rioting in the country in May of 1969 as a way to help encourage unity between the different races co-inhabiting the islands of Malaysia.
And, having experienced some of the general 'mix' on our adventures, I can see there are some quite different attitudes, beliefs, religions and values to work with...fascinating!


  1. its beautiful on both levels , thank you for sharing such knowledge xx

  2. my pleasure - I love finding out interesting tidbits like that! xx
